a teacher, her husband, four children and
their cat all living, learning and working....
Under One Roof
I named my store Under One Roof because this really represented my family. My husband runs his company "Studiscape" out of our home while I have I homeschooled all of our children at a variety of grade levels in our home. My older children have both graduated from college now. My younger two are still being homeschooled. My daughter designed my logo for my Teachers Pay Teachers store years ago to show what our homeschool looked like when I opened my store. She updated it recently for my birthday to show what they look like today.
My store is constantly changing to reflect the grades that I currently teach in our homeschool and at our co-op as my children grow and change. My passions are reading, STEM and history. I have been taking children to participate in National History Day for over 10 years. And I was named the Patricia Behering Teacher of the Year in SC as part of that program.
P.S. Here are a few family photos so you can get to know us a little better.
My favorite February books to read with my kids

I am a former public school teacher turned homeschool mom. I love teaching so much that I also teach a variety of classes in our local co-op where I am the founder and director.

A family vacation at Disney World.

My youngest helped me make a few homemade masks at the beginning of the pandemic.

My youngest at the top of the hike to Rainbow Falls. We love to hike and learn in nature.

We learned all about the eclipse this year. Luckily we were 45 minutes from the line of total eclipse. It was an awesome experience.

My boys are all scouts. With World Jamboree so close to our home, we headed over to see it on a day pass.

My daughter studied Danny Thomas for National History Day, so of course we went to Memphis to visit the St. Jude's Hospital.

If you travel out west, you have to visit Antelope Canyon.

Mesa Verde - "A hell of a place to lose a cow."

An early trip to DC with my kids when we were at the National History Day competition.