I can't believe it is time to go back to school already. I was so disappointed when Wal-mart started having shelves of school supplies laid out in July. It seems like children don't even get to have a summer break anymore. And then, out came the school supply lists. You know, the wall of lists for every school and classroom in the entire county, published so each parent knows exactly what Susie needs to have on that first day in school.
Now I am not going to focus on the school supply lists in this post. I know we have all seen the viral rants from parents complaining about the cost of the supplies for each child. Then we have seen the opposing views by the parents who are They question why teachers need ziplock baggies and so many 3 ring binders. Then we have seen the opposing views by the parents who are so glad that their children are going to be out of the house for six hours a day that they will pay any amount just so the teacher will take Johnny away.
I just wanted to tell you that I have finally found a back pack that will hold all of those school supplies. It has taken a long time to find a company who will create a back pack that will hold everything from crayons, markers and glue sticks...to 4 boxes of tissues and 3 boxes of zip close baggies...to the dreaded 4 inch binder. But I am here to tell you that Jansport, maker of fine and durable backpacks, has come to our rescue. You can see below that they have created two new and larger back packs this year.
The smaller backpack is being modeled by my eleven year old son. The larger one is being modeled by my seven year old. These are guaranteed to hold anything on that list. These boys are ready to tackle everything that may come their way.
Now let's go check out that class supply list......
Have a great new school year,