This year "Back to School" is just not the same for teachers and students. Students aren't allowed to share materials. They have to sit six feet away from each other. They have plastic desk shields to stop from spreading germs to each other. And for the first time in a long time, teachers won't be able to do group activities with their classes. What is a teacher to do?
When I designed my STEM in a baggie products, I was only trying to come up with a way to do STEM activities using cheap readily available items. I wanted to challenge students to come up with creative solutions using a limited selection of supplies to create their product. But now they are the perfect way to bring STEM into your social distanced classroom.
So how do you prepare my activities for your classroom. I'll tell you what I do. First I print and laminate the STEM Challenge card or posters. Then I gather all of my supplies to make the baggies and my favorite snack food. I tell my family that I will be busy for a couple of hours. I go into my office area (which has a television set up with Netflix), turn on the latest show for binge-watching and get to work.

Each challenge comes with a list of suggested STEM building materials. You can use the list as is, or adapt it to use what you have in your house. Occasionally there will be a specialty item, like plastic spider rings in the Flying Spider Challenge. But I try to choose things you can get at the dollar store. The idea is to make this affordable for the teacher. The one thing you will absolutely need is a supply of small sandwich sized zip top baggies.
I spread the piles of materials around me where they are all in comfortable grabbing distance. Then I start filling the baggies all while watching my favorite show.
Once I have all the baggies filled for my class, I gather them in a grocery bag and place the laminated challenge posters on top. It's not fancy, but it does the job. Have I mentioned that this is all about doing affordable STEM activities?
Now you are ready for your social distanced STEM Day. Hang the posters where the students can see them, pass out a baggie to each student and read the challenge to them. Every one has their own STEM supplies to use. No sharing needed.
You can try my Flying Spider Challenge for free. If you like it come back and try the others.
The STEM in a Baggie Fall Edition has six fun activities to engage your students. Or you can save some money by purchasing the Big Fall Bundle with 18 STEM challenges to take your class from Back to School through Thanksgiving.
I hope you make the most of your Social Distanced Year,